Monday, 28 October 2013

A Noteworthy Kaleidoscope Quilt

I love the Noteworthy line from Sweetwater - like everything they make,  it has a lovely tone to the colour scheme and the designs are cute but not too cute.  It's quite neutral too with a good mix of "boy" and "girl" colours, so when we learnt that I was pregnant and decided not to find out the gender, Noteworthy seemed perfect.

Having decided that I really liked this line and wanted to make a baby blanket,  I started to look for a pattern.  As soon as I saw the Kaleidoscope pattern in Issue 12 of Fat Quarterly,  I knew that it was perfect - nice and easy,  the perfect size and  charm pack friendly,  so that I could use the full range.

This came together quite quickly,  despite having to trim lots of HSTs. I had some help from Mum with the pressing,  but she refused to take any responsibility for cutting!

The backing is a large piece from the same line, as is the binding. Basting this at 38 weeks pregnant proved to be absolutely impossible,  so I asked Emily to do it for me,  and she managed an incredibly quick turnaround.

A quick bit of swirly quilting later with some help from Instagram people and it was pretty much done,  bar a quick label. And with the quilt finished,  it's owner could arrive - and he's been keeping us very busy ever since!

Linking up with the Blogger's Quilt Festival - Baby Quilt category


  1. Aw, what a sweet quilt! I love the cute, eeny baby on it, too! :)

  2. It is gorgeous but the little person lying on it is even more gorgeous Sarah!

  3. Sweetwater does such nice lines! It's really hard not to fall in love with such a sweet quilt, especially with that cutie-pie rolling on it!

  4. I love this pattern with these fabrics, and your baby is so cute on it.

  5. Precious quilt, extra precious baby!!!

  6. Just realised i hadn't left you a comment to say congratulations and he looks so adorable on that beautiful quilt! :-) Xx

  7. This is a lovely quilt, colors soft and gentle for baby.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  8. oh my goodness!! Congratulations new mommy!!! such a perfect quilt for your new little master. I love how the pattern changes depending on how i look at it :)


Please let me know what you think, I <3 comments!