Thursday, 20 March 2014

Winner (and how not to wean your baby)

The boy was very helpful today and helped me choose a winner for my giveaway - he very nearly had his first taste of food too! I know that they say to avoid anything too sweet so that they don't get a sweet tooth, but I'm not sure that paper is a great choice...

He chose Kelly from

so I'm off to do some fabric shopping!

PS - still no sewing to share,  the house hunt is now on so my machine is hidden :-(


  1. Oh bless him! They do all seem to love eating paper! Pureed veg might be a better choice though! :-)

  2. This is the best random number generator of all!

  3. Congratulations to the winner! And lovely to see a photo of your little man - glad to see his involved in blogging at an early age ;-) Good luck with the weaning, let the fun (and mess) begin!

  4. I loved weaning - but clearly not on paper, although I am sure Baby MiH has eaten his fair share of it..

  5. That's a much nicer alternative to the random number generator :)

  6. He's just gorgeous, forget the sewing just keep showing us pics of the boy ;) x

  7. I think the wee man's first taste of food was when his gran gave him some chocolate *unhappy mum face*. #cutiepie


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