Saturday, 9 July 2016

Finish Along 2016 Q3 - the list

I'm resurrecting the blog to join the 2016 finishalong in an attempt to give myself a kick up the bum to get things finished. This is the realistic short list, as things are startingto get busy with the new business. I was hoping that I would get more free time once I'd got everything up and running, but perhaps not! So, heres the list:

1. Make myself a dress whilst there's a chance of some sunny weather! Fabric pictured is from Sew Over It,  the pattern is from a block making course I did in January. 

2. Baby Quilt - this is for a special baby due in August so I need to geta move on. I'm currently on a train from Newcastle-London with some of these blocks to handsew.

3. O's big boy quilt . This is so nearly there, just needs a bit more quilting and binding.

4. My birthday quilt - just need to add borders and send it off!

Friday, 15 January 2016

FAL 2016 Q1

OK, so we've got about 8 months worth of sewing to catch up on, but we've got a deadline here, so we'll do that later.......(*wonders if that is the closest possible translation of the phrase "mañana" into English*)

2016 FAL

So, here's my FAL Q1 list:

1. Quilt O's quilt - I made this very, very quickly when my Gran passed away last year to keep me occupied. O absolutely loves it and gets v excited every time he sees it, so I probably should finish it.

2. Finish my quilt. We've kept v few of my makes, and I'm 30 in a few months - so I'm making myself a present. DH says he'll pay to have it long armed as a present.  


So far I've made a selection of blocks, all in various tones of blues and low volume prints. Hopefully they'll come together in the end!

A short and sweet collection, new job and major kitchen renovation = not likely that Q1 will be very productive!

Friday, 15 May 2015

Naptime Projects 💜💜💜💜

Long term projects don't work very well in this house. If it can't be done during a nap, or in the short space of time between Toddler Bedtime and Oh My God I'm Exhausted time, chances are it won't get done any time soon.

This is why I absolutely adore In Colour Order's drawstring bag. Fabric picked, cut out and sewn back together in one naptime.

One of my most wonderful colleagues is off on her second maternity leave next week. We're doing a collection as per, but I thought she'd appreciate this too.

Frog not included!

I hate to say this, but it's been much easier to find time to sew now that Mum helped me tidy the spare room - these IKEA kids storage units really have made a difference. Hate it when she's right about cleaning and tidying! 😭

PS - please excuse the shoddy wrong way round photos - I can hear chatter from downstairs and can't figure out how to fix them!

Sunday, 15 February 2015

A Spotty Dotty Washi

Here's my first ever finished top: a polka dot Washi Dress cut to tunic length.

I've got some beautiful chambray to make a dress, but, wisely as it turns out, I decided to make a wearable muslin with this Robert Kaufman cotton instead.

With help from the lovely folk on IG, I managed to make something vaguely wearable, but there'll be some significant changes on the dress version. I'm now beginning to understand why it's so difficult to get petite clothing on the high street!

Linking up to Le Challenge

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Do What Makes You Happy

My motto for the year! The end of 2014 was full of illness and stress, somewhat self inflicted. So this year, I'm focusing on keeping my little family happy.

Yesterday, what made me happy was a quick nap time project. Lovely to have something finished that won't become unfinished within 5 minutes of the end of naptime *looks at the ball pool... *

This is the Lined Drawstring Pouch by In Color Order, made with a free FQ from last summer's FQR and some animal prints from the stash.

Now, it was a ridiculously long post vaccination nap, but the pattern was very easy to follow so it really didn't take too long at all.

The Snack Size is perfect for taking Duplo to the café for our Friday afternoon coffee and cake (or milk and raisins!)

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

2014 Part 2

As it turns out, returning to work after maternity leave, juggling part time work and motherhood, moving house, sewing AND blogging are pretty incompatible, at least for me, anyway. I've been getting my fill of the social side of this hobby of ours via IG (and there's a whole debate to be had there about the role of social media....) but I wanted to record the last 6 month's work here, for my own benefit if nothing else!

There was a cushion for my nephew Jack - this makes a full set with all 4 of them having their own:

A snuggly little blanket for a school friend's little boy:

This was backed in minky from Plush Addict, so soft!

A little basket for O's gorgeous little friend's first birthday - these two are little terrors together, but super cute!

On the theme of little makes, I made a drawstring bag for a friend's 30th, filled with chocs of course.

My slight obsession with Blueberry Park / Karen Lewis fabric continued with the first of two lampshades for our new bedroom:
All those seams to keep tidy were a bit of a nightmare, might EPP the next one!

I finally finished the Cottage Quilt, a St Louis 16 patch made with a small palate of my Flurry winnings. It hasn't photographed very well, but there is more definition in the neutrals than it might seem! It's backed in some fabric that we found in Hub's grandma's stash, and bound in a print from Tsuru (I think)

(please excuse the sideways pics, don't know what that's about!)

My one and only Christmas quilt was for my Gran, who's 93 next week. It's made from a layer cake that Mum chose, and backed in a Riley Blake brushed flannel. As Gran doesn't like anything heavy on her legs, I left out the wadding and just bagged it out, with some hand quilting to tie the layers together.

And last but not least, two Geranium dresses to finish the year for two lovely little girls:
(No finished photos of this one, but I'm proud of these French seams!)

Here's hoping that 2015 brings more finished quilts!

Wishing all my friends a very happy and prosperous New Year, with lots of sewing,

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Butcher's apron for the family baker

I really don't know why I've been stalling on this for so long, this apron was a really quick and satisfying finish.

Dad asked for a butchers apron months ago, and in fact I think it was on my first FAL list as it was supposed to be his Father's Day present. He requested a navy and white stripe fabric, and I found this heavyweight fabric in Rolls and Rems in Edmonton for £4/m - bargainous!

I added straps made from measuring tape print ribbon - chosen by Mum and perfect for a draughtsman.

Dad has always been enthusiastic about science, so I thought this print would do nicely for a little secret pocket lining.

I'm looking forward to our next baking session - his lemon drizzle cake is legendary!